Marie has a pain-free, gorgeous new smile…without having any teeth ground down!
Marie suffered from muscle tension, frequent headaches, migraines, and tooth wear, even while wearing an appliance at night for over 15 years. Marie is a dental hygienist and the headaches and muscle tension made it very difficult for her to work through a lot of days.
Dr. Paul Schaus, 2018 graduate, started Marie off with C2O therapy to stabilize her TMJ, followed by full mouth composite using BioRejuvenation Dentistry, a minimally invasive technique learned at The Stewart Center.
Marie is thrilled with her new smile. Her muscles are much more relaxed, and her headaches and migraines have stopped.
“People are noticing I’m smiling a lot more,” says Marie. “And I love the fact that I didn’t have to have my teeth ground down for crowns. This is the way to go!”