Dr. Glenn DiBartolomeo Proves It Is Never Too Late To Learn Something New
Dr. Glenn DiBartolomeo has been practicing dentistry in Florida for over 36 years. His practice is well established in the Orlando area and he has patients who have been with him since childhood. When he first heard about BioRejuvenation Dentistry he dismissed the idea. After all, was he going to completely change the way he practices dentistry after all these years? The idea seemed crazy. But after spending time talking with our founders Dr. DiBartolomeo found himself asking, “Don’t I want the best possible care for my patients? Don’t I owe them that?” And so Dr. DiBartolomeo became a resident of The Stewart Center (formally known as the Texas Center) in 2015.
He saw instant results with his patient Suzie. She had been a patient of Dr. DiBartolomeo since she was six years old — she is now 36 years old. She has suffered from TMJ discomfort for the majority of her adult life. He had been treating the symptoms with a mouth guard but had no real solutions until he attended the Texas Center. He returned to Orlando energized and excited and hopeful that he would be able to finally resolve Suzie’s pain.
He met with Suzie and described the minimally evasive techniques of BioRejuvenation dentistry and how they could solve the chronic pain in her jaw. Suzie was excited and trusted Dr. DiBartolomeo to take good care of her mouth. At the same time Suzie started nursing school. A patient/dentist relationship that was already strong, grew even stronger as patient and staff saw each other regularly and achieved stunning results together. Suzie said it best in her own words:
“When I agreed to this process I knew the results would be great but I didn’t expect them to be stunning, incredible and pain free – they far exceeded my expectations. It takes a village to get through nursing school. You and your staff lifted me up during bad weeks and helped me soar during good ones. Thank you for your words of encouragement and support and my beautiful new smile! I love it!”
Dr. DiBartolomeo is an amazing example of a dentist who is dedicated to providing the best possible care and offering the most innovative techniques to his patients. This dedication to his continuing training and education has resulted in him changing the lives of his patients forever and that is a legacy truly worth being proud.