What is Minimally Invasive
BioRejuvenation Dental Medicine?
Traditional dentistry focuses on managing the symptoms of dental disease, often leaving patients desperate and bouncing from doctor to doctor to find relief from tooth and jaw pain, ear aches, headaches, etc., BioRejuvenation Dental Medicine transforms dental care by diagnosing the whole person and restoring their patients back to optimal health.
BioRejuvenation replicates the forms and functions of the optimal natural dental biologic system. With continuous scientific research and observation, we have successfully learned to restore teeth to their original shape and function and provide improved long-term oral health. Diagnosing both the airway and the chewing system, we teach doctors our in-depth process that focuses not only on creating a beautiful smile, but on optimal interarch relationship, stable condylar position, functioning airway capabilities, and overall proper tooth form.
We are developing dental physicians who can see the whole picture and know how to restore their patients to complete health. This type of care encompasses the comprehensive, holistic, and biological approach to medicine. Our graduates quickly adopt a reputation for being the “go-to” full mouth rehabilitation dentists in their communities and the surrounding areas.
& biological
approach to medicine.
Developing true dental physicians,
doctors who can see the whole picture.
Dentists involved with comprehensive restorative dentistry will need to understand the interrelationship between the dentognathic system and the airway. An anatomically deficient oral airway can result from an underdeveloped maxilla and/or mandible, a dental malocclusion, muscle hyperactivity from an unstable condylar position, and from obstruction. Ample research indicates that an obstructed/ deficient airway is related to sleep bruxism and TMJ disorders.They are the consequences of adaptive measures to breathe.
Prior to restoration of the dentition or orthotic stabilization therapy, the patient must be screened for Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB). A medical, dental and sleep history, the use of SDB screening tools, CBCT imaging, and a thorough clinical examination are required for a complete assessment. Referral to a Sleep Physician for a sleep study where indicated is appropriate for suspicion of SDB. This collaborative effort allows the dentist and physician to work together for the overall well-being of the patient.
Our faculty has extensive training in the consequences of an Unstable Chewing System and how to restore the system to health using Biologic and Dental Sleep Medicine principles.At the Stewart Center, you will learn how to understand the relationship between the airway and dentognathic system breakdown. Additionally, you will acquire the tools needed to integrate this knowledge into the diagnosis and treatment of your patients.
One of the core components of BioRejuvenation Dentistry is the belief that a successful full mouth rehabilitation always starts with a stable jaw joint. TMD includes symptoms of sinus headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder stiffness, ear aches, sensitivity of the teeth, worn and fractured teeth, clicking and popping, chewing and digestive problems, esthetic issues and so many more that are all a result of an instability in the joint. While these symptoms can appear to be caused by multiple other conditions, many times they can actually be treated by a properly trained dentist who understands the importance of diagnosing from within and restoring a stable condylar position.
During your residency you will learn to diagnose and treat myofascial pain and TMDs with confidence, using CBCT images along with clinical signs, symptoms, and knowledge of TMJ anatomy. You will also learn to identify sleep disordered airway issues, all of which have a deleterious effect on the TMJ and dental occlusion. You will learn how to put together and lead a team of qualified professionals that can successfully treat even the most severe cases.
At The Stewart Center, we specialize in teaching additive bonding techniques to restore broken, worn down teeth that are at risk for being unrepairable. We use high-tech synthetic enamel resins; a conservative technique that is kind to any type of tooth structure and ensures each case is made more affordable for the patient while still profitable for the dentist. Our highest priority in practicing minimally invasive BioRejuvenation Dental Medicine is always considering the patient’s best interest.
At The Stewart Center, you will acquire the knowledge to diagnose, treat, and stabilize the TMJ. You will then learn how to restore the occlusion at the stable condylar position with minimally invasive techniques while supporting a healthy airway.